Play Game Tutorial About
This version of The PirateGame is a beta release and is not fully polished yet

A message from us...

Myself (Will) and Adam began to consider the academic and practical benefits of doing a joint programming project so, after some deliberation regarding the exact nature of the project, we settled to try and recreate one of our favorite classroom games in an engauging digital format. Since then, the project has snowballed to become what you see presented before you. Amidst the development, we welcomed Ollie into the team to bring the sum total of developers to 3. We must also dole our thanks to Charlie Kay (music) and Jack Hegarty (logo & art) whose creative abilities are orders of magnitude better what we three could have composed. An unfortunate lesson to swallow was that the hosting required for the server does not come free but costs a recurring fee likewise does the URL. As you may have inferred, we're only just in our A-Level year and thus if you do enjoy the game that we been able to produce, we would be indebted for your generous support. Please though, feel no obligation as we do what we do out of pure passion and pleasure. Our upmost thanks for so much as taking the time to view our website!

Project Details


Started as a passion project, the pirate game has its origins in the Summer of 2021 but has quickly become an ongoing project for the three of us. The project was originally developed as a way to improve our python and programming proficiency but also as a way to experience collaboration in programming - a key skill for future employment in the field. In fact, the project has not only acquainted us with GitHub as a collaboration tool, improved our repertoire of python syntaxes, introduced us to the web-space languages of HTML, CSS and JavaScript but also taught us about hosting sites and administering projects with Docker. Through a coordination of many different languages, you are able to use your own device to send a request across the wonderful internet which is handled and processed by our python code. The python code will package its response up to you and your computer will dutifully receive it and display what it receives. Once you have the response the work of the program is not done as we've had to write CSS style sheets that describe the colour, layout and design of the pages. Some complex operations like handling the selection of squares of dragging items into position also require your browser to do some heavy lifting; functionality that is provided by the page's JavaScript. All of these different functionalities have had to be addressed in our programming and this is without even touching upon the database handling and docker environments. As you can imagine, its been many hundreds of hours of work but we couldn't have wished it any other way as we've been rewarded with the such a rich banquet of learning and enjoyment.

The Team

Adam O'Neill

A-Level Subjects: Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics


GitHub @Theocat321

Will Hall

A-Level Subjects: Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Further Mathematics


GitHub @Lime-Parallelogram

Ollie Burroughs

A-Level Subjects: Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Further Mathematics


GitHub @schmetris


Music by Charlie Kay

A-Level Subjects: Music, Mathematics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics

Artwork by Jack Hegarty

A-Level Subjects: Graphics, English, History
